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ThermiVa Vaginal Rejuvenation
ThermiVa is a non-surgical treatment to tighten the vagina that uses radio-frequency energy to stimulate new collagen. This treatment is a popular choice to reverse the effects of childbirth or aging.

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How does ThermiVa work?
ThermiVa works by delivering radio-frequency to both the internal vaginal canal and the external labia. The tissue is heated to specific temperatures, encouraging the growth of new collagen, increased blood flow, and improved nerve supply. ThermiVa is FDA approved for skin tightening, however, patients also report increased sensation, moisture, and improvement in symptoms of stress urinary incontinence.
The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and requires no downtime. The typical protocol for ThermiVa treatments is three treatments, spaced four weeks apart. Many women see improvement in vaginal tightening after the first treatment, but optimal results will be observed three months after the third treatment.
How long do ThermiVa results last?
The need to re-treat will be based on individual needs and expectations. In addition, both genetic and environmental factors—smoking, weight gain/obesity, hormones, etc.—affect the aging of the vaginal tissue. Overall, the expectation is that women will need one treatment per year as maintenance.
What's the difference between ThermiVa and lasers?
ThermiVa uses radio-frequency, whereas the MonaLisa Touch and FemiLift use a CO2 laser. Both cause rejuvenation effects to the vaginal area. The difference is that ThermiVa can also be used on the labia and clitoral area, and is not painful.
Can ThermiVa help a leaky bladder?
The procedure was not designed as a treatment for incontinence, but it is not surprising that so many patients with mild stress incontinence are seeing a rather dramatic improvement in symptoms. It is unlikely that the recommended series of three treatments will result in permanent correction of incontinence, however, it is likely to provide noticeable improvement, which can be maintained with single treatments every one to two years. One side note is that ThermiVa can rarely cause a short-term worsening of irritable bladder symptoms, which will resolve over the week after the procedure.
Can ThermiVa help vaginal looseness and sagging?
The answer really depends on your clinical exam. The important part of the exam is to determine if there is any sagging or loss of support of the pelvic organs (the bladder, uterus, and rectum). If there is a mild degree of loss of support or vaginal looseness, then ThermiVa has been shown to help offer relief and provide vaginal tightening.

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